Are annual release cycles ruining the games industry?
That seems
to be the big question floating around the internet after the release of one
broken Assassin’s Creed game, one half assed Assassin’s Creed game and a
glitchy Far Cry sequel. The answer is
obviously no. Annual release cycles are actually better for the games industry.
They’re making a lot of money from an annual sale, paying their employees for more work in less time, and are building a monstrous catalogue. I know you were
all expecting me to shit all over Ubisoft, but that's coming later.
Looks like a finished game
The gaming industry as a whole is about entertainment...but mostly money. So to think
that a lot of major developers don’t have their executives chasing the bottom
dollar is a complete lie. I hate to bring up money when talking about the games industry because so many game studios are closing every year. Just to list off a few
that hit especially close to home; Pandemic, Lucas arts, Big Huge Games, and
Rare (see what I did there). I hate to see job loss in an industry that I love,
because I’m sure a lot of the developers and programmers absolute love what
they’re doing.
R.I.P. quality
I watched a
lot of Hell’s Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares when I was in Scotland (stay with
me here guys). Aside from being my celebrity crush, Gordon Ramsey has some very
important advice for the kitchen, and one particular bit that I think fits into
the games industry. The longer you work at the same thing the easier it is to
lose your passion for it. Look around at what the annual release cycles have
brought the consumer public. Buggy and glitched out games that will crash and
dip down to a frankly insulting frame rate. It’s inexcusable. Not only that, but take look at Assassin’s Creed Rogue. Ubisoft's weak attempt at a cash in for the
older console generation is laughably bland. It lacked the creativity and imagination that frankly I haven't seen since the second Ass Creed game.
Call of Duty is guilty of this as well. Ghosts is a prime example. If I’m being
completely honest. Half the time I forget that game was ever made. That’s
clearly a good sign. I mean they stepped up their game for Advanced Warfare with
more verticality in combat, but Titanfall already did that, and that game has huge robots. Activision
0, ex Activision devs 1. I’m beginning to get annoyed that we as a consumer base
are actually happy to plop down 70$ for a new CoD or Ass Creed game. When in reality we’re only getting something that is a basic content patch. The only noticeable differences in the Assassins Creed series were the first and second games. Those games felt and played drastically
different. Everything else has just become bullshit filler that just makes the
game look bigger. It doesn’t mean it’s better.
Right C, A, Down C, Right C, A, Down C
Make these shitty games go away
Here’s the
new Round_2 rule. You get to release one game every two years then once you hit
three games in the series wait four years to release the next one. 1,2,3,4, is
that easy enough to remember? Assassin’s Creed could have tried something different.
I mean just put out a first person parkour game with assassinations in it, like
holy shit. Makes some new waves. Don’t ride on the coat tails of your previous work, give us something new, something worth playing and something truly great.
I’m only this mad because I love Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry. God damn it